Handicap Parking Permits
Handicapped Parking Permit issuing agents are only authorized to issue permits to residents of that agents municipality.
- Residents of the Village of Wappingers Falls should visit the Village Clerk, John Karge, at 2628 South Ave.
- Residents of the Town of Poughkeepsie should visit the Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department at 19 Tucker Drive
- Residents of Fishkill should visit the Fishkill Town Clerk at 807 Route 52
- Residents of East Fishkill should visit the East Fishkill Town Clerk at 330 Route 376
- Residents of LaGrange should visit the LaGrange Town Clerk at 120 Stringham Road
Applicants will be required to prove identity and residency. Examples of acceptable proofs of residency are:
- New York State Driver’s License or Non-Driver’s ID card
- Utility Bill
- Property Tax Bill or Receipt
- W-2
- Letter from Landlord or Residential Care Provider
All other cases will be decided using the “point system” established by Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV).
Any NYS resident that qualifies as a “severely disabled person” is eligible for a statewide parking permit. This includes children and elderly people that don’t drive or own a vehicle. Parents or guardians may apply on behalf of a severely disabled person. A State facility or agency may apply for a permit for each vehicle it uses primarily to transport disabled persons. State agencies must submit the request for a permit on the agency’s letterhead. The request is to include the following:
- Describe the facility or agency
- Explain how it serves individuals with disabilities
- List the plate numbers and year and make of the vehicles in which the permits will be used
- Include a copy of the agency or facility license or authority to operate
Types of Permits
Temporary Permits – issued to people that have a temporary disability. The maximum duration for a temp permit is 6 months. This permit will also be issued to any visitors from another country who are disabled and traveling in New York State.
Permanent Permits – are issued only to applicants diagnosed as a “severely disabled person” and have proper documentation stating such.
Medical Certification Requirements
It is strongly recommended that applicants use the standard “Application for a Parking Permit or License Plates, for Persons with Severe Disabilities” form (MV-664.1).
The applicant can fill out Part 1. The address should be a physical address, not a PO BOX.
The doctor needs to fill out Part 2 completely.
Part 3 will be filled out by the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk.
Applicants may choose to submit a doctors chit in place of the standard application form. This will be accepted, however, the chit will need to include all of the items that would have been required on the application. For example, if the doctor fails to include his or her professional license number, the chit will not be accepted.
Applications or documentation that is older than 1 year will not be accepted.
The issuing agent is not required to diagnose applicants.
Applying for Handicapped Parking Permit
- Applications may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office or by downloading the Handicap-Parking-Permit-Application Here.
- Fill out Part 1. The information in Part 1 is to be the disabled individual. In other words, the person being issued the permit is the person with the disability. Parents of disabled children are not entitled to a handicapped parking permit.
- Take the application to your doctor and have him or her complete Part 2.
- Bring the application to the Town Clerk’s Office with your proof of identity and proof of residency.
- Faxed or photocopied applications are NOT ACCEPTABLE
Handicapped Parking Permit Renewals
- Prior to the expiration of your current permit, you should make arrangements for the renewal of your permit.
- The procedure for renewing a Handicapped Parking Permit is the same as the procedure followed for the original permit. There are no exceptions.
Lost/Stolen Permits
- An applicant may be issued no more than two permits for any period. If an applicant was only issued one permit and loses that permit, he or she can come in to ask for the second permit.
- If an applicant was issued two permits and loses one of those permits, he or she will need to report the permit lost or stolen to the local police authority. The permit holder will need to provide proof that the report was made. A form is available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
- Once proof of the report is provided, a 30 day hold period will need to elapse before a replacement can be issued.
- There will be no more than one replacement permit issued for the duration of the permit period.
Denial or Revocation of Permits
- New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law authorizes issuing agents to deny an applicant a permit or to revoke an issued permit if he or she feels there is evidence of abuse
- If a permit holder is notified that the permit has been revoked, he or she must return the permit to the issuing agent. If the permit is not returned by the specified date, local law enforcement personnel will be contacted to confiscate the permit.
Please note
“Making a false statement, or providing misinformation on an application to obtain or facilitate the receipt of a parking permit or license plates for persons with a disability is subject to fines ranging from $250 to $1,000 under Section 1203-a(4) of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law and is punishable as a misdemeanor under Section 210.45 of the NYS Penal Law.”
Visit New York State Department of Motor Vehicles for more information.
Helpful Link (Within Handicapped Permits)
Metered Parking Waiver
Metered parking waivers are available to certain severely disabled drivers. The waiver allows the holder to park in a metered parking space without putting payment into the meter. The waiver will only be issued to people whose severe disability makes it extremely difficult to put payment into a parking meter.
This waiver applies for all metered parking spaces in New York State.
Metered parking waivers to not take the place of a handicapped parking permit.
- The waiver holder must be driving the vehicle
- The waiver holder must not be accompanied by a person who is able to put payment into a meter
- The waiver holder must observe any time limits associated with metered parking spaces
- Must be a NY State resident
- Must be a resident of the city, town or village where you are applying for the waiver
- Must hold a valid, unexpired, New York State Driver’s License
- Must have a permanent, severe disability as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 404-a
- Must have a severe disability that limits one or more of the following:
- Fine motor control in both hands
- Ability to reach or access a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other ambulatory device
- Ability to reach a height of 42 inches from the ground due to lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility
Applying for a Metered Parking Waiver
- Download an Application for a Metered Parking Waiver for Persons with Severe Disabilities or visit the Town Clerk’s Office.
- Fill out the “Information about Person with Disability” section
- Have your doctor fill out the Medical Certification
- Bring your completed application, along with your proof of identity and proof of residency to the Town Clerk’s Office
Please visit New York State Department of Motor Vehicles for more information.
Joseph P. Paoloni, Wappinger Town Clerk
Contact Us
Lori McConologue, Deputy Town
Grace Robinson, Deputy Town Clerk
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Phone: (845) 297-5772
Fax: (845) 298-1478
Town Clerk Services
Vital Records
– Birth
– Death
– Marriage
Clerk Services:
Dog Licensing
Dual Citizenship & Vital Records
Games of Chance Licensing
Handicapped Permits
Hawkers & Peddlers
Historical Town Board Minutes
Hunting & Fishing