REPAIRED 3:45pm- Water Main Break on Applesauce Lane
Monday, 1/20/25, Town Hall is CLOSED in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Town Hall will Reopen Tuesday 1/21/25 at 8:30am

Town of Wappinger Annual Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Message from Town Supervisor Cavaccini


Dear neighbors,

Ensuring high quality, safe, and affordable drinking water to the residents and businesses of the Town of Wappinger is a top priority for my administration and your Town Board.

Our Town works with Camo Pollution Control Inc. to maintain and provide our Town’s water to you. Our wellfields, that service the United Wappinger Water District, are strategically located in strong fresh water aquifers along the natural waterways of the Sprout and Wappinger Creeks. 

The following reports are provided to you to best educate our residents on the current status of our operations. You will find summaries of our daily efforts to test and evaluate the quality of our water and to ensure that the tap water of our 14,000 service properties is safe. 

On behalf of our Water and Sewer operations manager and billing office, we do ask that you consider conserving water whenever possible. Our billing practices are based on conservation pricing, to offer the most equitable cost effective rate to all in our community.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 845-297-2744, Camo Pollution Control, Inc. at 845-463-7310, or our billing office at 845-297-1850 should you have any questions.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joseph D. Cavaccini

Wappinger Town Supervisor


Camo Pollution Control Inc. is the official Town of Wappinger water and sewage treatment and maintenance consultant and management firm.

Address1610 NY-376, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590


Drinking Water Source Protection ProgramWappinger Acceptance Letter From NYS DEC
2023 United Wappinger Water District Annual Water Quality ReportPFAS
2023 Fleetwood Water District Annual Water Quality ReportUCMR
2023 Watch Hill Water District Annual Water Quality Report
Water Quality Reports Archive