REPAIRED 3:45pm- Water Main Break on Applesauce Lane
Monday, 1/20/25, Town Hall is CLOSED in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Town Hall will Reopen Tuesday 1/21/25 at 8:30am

Office of the Assessor

Exemption Renewals have been mailed out. If you have not recieved one, please call our office or download the renewal form for any exemptions you have recieved in prior years. As a reminder, all new exemption submissions are due by March 1, 2025. Thank you!

2024 Assessment Roll

New York State Star Exemption

New York State has changed legislation in how the STAR will be granted. If you notice a change on your school tax bill, or any other questions regarding your STAR credit check, please contact New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at (518) 457-2036.

All new homeowners that have purchased after January 2015 must register with New York State for the STAR relief at Assessor’s office can no longer accept new applicants.

Additional Exemptions

There are many exemptions available to residential property owners, where the property is the primary residence of the owner.  The Town of Wappinger offers the following:

  1. Application for Partial tax exemption for Senior Citizens 65 years or older with limited income
  2. Renewal Application for Senior Citizens with limited income
  3. Income Worksheet for Senior Citizens Exemption
  4. Application for Alternative Veterans Exemption
  5. Application for Cold War Veterans exemption
  6. Disabilities And Limited Incomes
  7. Renewal Disabilities And Limited Incomes
  8. Agricultural
  9. Renewal Agricultural
  10. Solar Exemption
  11. Application for Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers Exemption

Upgrading from Basic Star to Enhanced Star?
At least one owner must be 65 before the end of the 2025 calendar year and total house hold income must be under the income limit. You must also fill out both of the following forms:

  1. RP-425-E
  2. RP-425-IVP

As long as owners continue to meet the Enhanced Star Requirements, OWNERS DO NOT NEED TO RENEW THE ENHANCED STAR FROM YEAR TO YEAR.

All exemptions are due on or before March 1st, 2025
Other forms are available at:
Please contact our office for eligibility requirements.


How to contest your assessment:

***Applications are not being accepted at this time, the grievance period is now closed***

  1. Click here for New York State instructions
  2. Parcel AccessClick “Parcel Search Tools”
    Here you can search by:
    Residential Sales
    Condominium Sales
    and Compare Assessments
  3. Complaint on Real Property Assessment Form*

Please submit your application with the following:
Five (5) copies of the completed application with supporting documentation. For example: three sales comparable to your home or a recent appraisal within the past two years. These comps must be in or as near to your neighborhood, as of or about July 1 of last year same type of home (i.e. ranch compared to another ranch)

Christian Harkins image

Christian Harkins, Wappinger Town Assessor


Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Contact Us

Assessor’s Aide
Loretta Brunello
GIS Data Entry
Tom Bahr

Wappinger Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls NY, 12590

(845) 297-8275
Fax: (845) 297-8451

Helpful Links

Parcel AccessDutchess County Assessment Rolls