Fees and Fines for the Building, Zoning, Planning and Fire Departments have increased in some areas. The fees currently on the permits listed on our Forms Page are in the process of being changed. The new updated fees can be found by clicking the link here - Local Law Number 3 of the Year 2023

Zoning Department

This office is charged with the administration and enforcement of the Code of the Town of Wappinger. Please contact this office regarding the proposed

  • Land Use & Commercial Use Questions
  • Zoning Regulation and Local Laws for the Town of Wappinger
  • Subdivisions
  • Lot-line re-alignments
  • Site Plans/Amended Site Plans
  • Special Use Permits
  • Grading Permits
  • Accessory Apartment Permits
  • Temporary Outdoor Sales/ Promotional Events Permits
  • Sign permits

Applications for the above can be obtained at this office or online

Most Frequently Asked Zoning Questions:

What zone am I in?
There are various residential and commercial zones. To help you find yours we need to know one of the following;

  • Your Tax Grid #
  • Legal address
  • Name of the legal owner

What are my setback requirements?
Depends on the zone you are in. Setback requirements also differ as to whether you are constructing a principal dwelling/addition or a separate free-standing accessory structure.

Do I need a permit for a shed?
Yes. Incidentally, a shed is an accessory structure 200 square feet or less in size permitted only in the side or rear yard.

Can I subdivide my property?
Only if you have enough property to create lots which will meet all the minimum bulk requirements in your particular zone.

Can I change my zone?
Re-zoning is requested specifically to the Town Board. It requires extensive review for compatibility with the Master Plan. Contact the Town Clerk’s office for more information for this process.

Do you have a survey of my property?
Rarely, unless a home was built very recently and the Building Department has an as-built survey on file.

What is the procedure for a Variance?

  • Apply for a Building Permit.
  • Receive a denial letter from Zoning Administrator.
  • Fill out Variance appeal form and submit
  • Attend ZBA meetings for discussion and subsequent Public Hearing.
  • ZBA makes decision.
  • If Variance granted, Building Permit application proceeds.

Do I need a permit for a fence?
No, you do not need a permit, but the following must be adhered to:

  1. Fence must be on owner’s property. (Should have a survey to determine your property lines.)
  2. Fence must not exceed six feet in height, in a side or rear yard.  In a front yard, fence may not exceed four feet in height.
  3. Corner properties should contact the Zoning Administrator for clarification on placement of a front yard fence.  Corner properties have two front yards.
  4. A fence must never impede line of sight for drivers.

Do I need a permit to run a business out of my house?
Only if what is proposed meets the definition of a “Home Occupation”. Some uses such as “Professional Office/ Studio” are permitted but require a Special Use Permit and Site Plan approval from the Planning Board.

Why wasn’t I notified that my neighbor is building a house, pool, deck, etc.?
No notification is made unless the proposed structure requires a Variance or a Special Use Permit. Then the abutting and adjoining neighbors are notified prior to a Public Hearing on the matter. You may wish to view this website monthly for agendas to both the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for more information

Barbara Roberti – Director of Strategic Planning & Municipal Codes

Contact Us

Deputy Zoning Administrator
Judith Subrize
(845) 297-6256 ext. 129

Wappinger Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

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Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm