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Wappinger Town Board Recognizes May as National Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

America has been continually renewed and enriched by the many different people who choose to come here and become our fellow citizens; and each person brings a part of his or her own heritage, which over time becomes part of our common heritage. Many generations of Asian Americans have helped make America the cultural melting pot it is today; and

There are over 18,205,898 Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, with 1,350 Asian/Pacific Americans in the Town of Wappinger.

Asian Pacific Americans have succeeded as successful and notable artists, Nobel Laureate scientists, researchers, business leaders, human rights activists and community leaders; and Asian Pacific Americans are very proud of their roots and of their vital role in the continued growth of our nation.

Asian-American Heritage Month observance provides an opportunity for all Americans to learn more about the contributions of men and women from Asia have made to our nation and to the world at large.

Town Board of the Town of Wappinger does hereby recognize and proclaim May as “Asian Pacific American Heritage Month” and encourages all citizens to recognize our Asian Pacific Americans and the many contributions they have had made to our country.

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