2/21/25, 11:45am - REPAIRED - Water main break on Boxwood Close which affected residents on Boxwood Close and Park Hill Drive.

Town Supervisor Cavaccini and Wappinger Town Board Authorize Funding to Fully Complete Inspiration Field

During the January 22, 2024, Regular Meeting of the Wappinger Town Board, Town Supervisor Joseph D. Cavaccini, Senior Councilman William H. Beale, Councilwoman Angela Bettina, Councilman Christopher Phillips, and Councilman Al Casella unanimously approved funding to complete Inspiration Field at Robinson Lane Baseball Complex. Founded in 2005, the Wappinger Challenger League, a subsidiary of  Town…

Town Supervisor Cavaccini and Wappinger Town Board Appoint Experienced, Bipartisan Planning Board

During the January 9, 2024 Re-Organizational Meeting of the Wappinger Town Board, Town Supervisor Joseph D. Cavaccini, Senior Councilman William H. Beale, and Councilman Christopher Phillips appointed four new members to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board. Councilmembers Angela Bettina and Al Casella could not attend due to illness, but share in the support of…

Wappinger Town Lowers Flags to Half Staff in Memory of New Hackensack Fire District Commissioner Roderick MacLeod

The Town of Wappinger is saddened to learn of the unexpected passing of New Hackensack Fire District Commissioner Roderick Macleod. Town Supervisor Joseph D. Cavaccini has directed flags at the Memorial Plaza in front of Wappinger Town Hall to be lowered to half staff. Commissioner Macleod, served the Town of Wappinger served our community for…